
2001: MA, University of Chicago. Focus on medieval literature. Thesis: "Between Bloodfeud and War: Treasure and the Boundaries of Justice in Beowulf."

1996: BA in literature, Brown University. Degree program included courses taken as a visiting student at Harvard University and Northeastern University.

Below is a summary of Lisa Gay's credentials in music and dance.


Performance Experience

May 12, 2005: Played with the Boston Recorder Society Performance Ensemble in A Concert of Latin American Music for Recorder Ensemble, including the virtuosic solo in "Tico Tico."

May 1, 2005: Performed with the Quilisma Consort at the Walk for Hunger.

April 2, 2005: Coordinated and performed in the Boston Recorder Society's belated Play the Recorder Month Concert. Several local recorder groups presented an eclectic variety of music at the Central Square Branch Library in Cambridge to encourage interest in our much loved instrument. As a special treat, recorder virtuoso and teacher John Tyson led the audience in a first recorder lesson, proving that you can learn to jazz it up on a recorder in just twenty minutes!

February 6, 2005: Directed and performed on recorders and harp in the Quilisma Consort's debut program, Aspirations, Medieval and Renaissance vocal music arranged for recorders, viola, guitar, and harp. For the repertory and notes for this concert, see the program.

January 29, 2005: Preview concert of the Aspirations program, given as a complementary presentation to the residents of Cadbury Commons retirement home.

January 11, 2005: Preview concert of the Aspirations program, at King's Chapel. For the repertory and notes for this concert, see the program.

August 2004: Performed as vocal solist as well as with the chorus and orchestra in A Venetian Vespers, a program of Renaissance music from the cathedral of San Marco, with Ars et Amici under the direction of Sheila Beardslee Bosworth.

May 2004: Concert of international music with Boston Recorder Society Performance Group under the direction of Tom Zajac.

May 2004: Guest artist with Urban Myth.

April 2004: Guest artist for the "Song of Songs" concert with the Wellesley Collegium under the direction of Tom Zajac.

March 2004: Performed for the Ethical Society of Boston.

February 2004: Concert of Renaissance music with the Boston Recorder Society Performance Ensemble under the direction of John Tyson.

September 2003: Performed for the Ethical Society of Boston.

December 2002: Appeared in The Christmas Revels in Chicago (Appalachian music and dance).

May 2002: Student vocal recital. Repertory included a lute song by Dowland and an aria by Handel.

2001-2002: Member of The Masqued Phoenix Consort of Chicago.

December 2001: Appeared in The Christmas Revels in Chicago (Celtic music and dance).

January 2000: Sang the role of Claire in unstaged concert of The Secret Garden with the MIT Gilbert and Sullivan Players.

October 1999: Performed in Iolanthe with the MIT Gilbert and Sullivan Players.

1998: Music director, The Taming of the Shrew.

1997: Collaborated as composer and instrumentalist on the recording The New Tape of the Dance Vol 3, a collection of music for Renaissance dancers.

1997: Musician, The Tempest.

1997: Singer, Sponsus, a fully staged 12th Century liturgical drama.

1994: Performed with Brown University's Renaissance vocal ensemble.

1990-1991: Singer, Mozart's Requiem, Concord Academy Chorus.

1987-1991: Performed several times with the Concord Academy Early Music Ensemble, including a collaboration with Calliope.

1983: Children's chorus, The Christmas Revels, Cambridge (Russian and Eastern European music and dance).

Presentations and Teaching Experience

June 2004: Recorder workshop given at Whitewater Early Music Festival, WI.

February 2004: "Introduction to Medieval Music," lecture presented to the Older Students Organization at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education.

Janury 2004: "Sacred Sound," workshop on chant and ritual presented to the North Andover CUUPS chapter.

June 2003: Recorder workshop given at the Whitewater Early Music Festival in Wisconsin.

1992-1999: Coached individual students in recorder through the Society for Creative Anachronism.

1998: Taught small group class in sight singing techniques.

Music Education

July 2004: Amherst Early Music Festival. Recorder masterclass with Dan Laurin, Art of the Baroque repertory class with Na'am Lion, and modern recorder repertory class with Pete Rose.

2003-2004: Ongoing performance workshop offered by the Boston Recorder Society. Instructors: John Tyson and Tom Zajac

2003-2004: Several workshops on various topics presented by Recorders/Early Music MetroWest.

2003: Amherst Early Music Festival. Workshops in recorder ensemble technique, early Welsh harp music, and vocal technique. Instructors: Bill Taylor, Gwyn Roberts, and Kathlene Ritch Brown.

2003: Whitewater Early Music Festival. Workshop in performing Ars Nova repertory. Instructor: David Echelard.

2002: Private vocal lessons. Instructor: Dr. Dimpna Clarin.

2002: Graduate course in the lyrics of the trobadors and trouvers, University of Chicago.

2000-2001: Recorder technique lessons offered by the Boston Recorder Society. Instructor: Aldo Abreu.

1999-2000: Recorder ensemble lessons offered by the Boston Recorder Society. Instructor: Shiela Beardslee.

1996: Music theory course, Harvard University.

1994: Courses in music theory and Medieval and Renaissance music history, Brown University.

1993: Medieval and Renaissance music course, Brown University.

1992: Vocal workshop. Instructor: Annabel Graetz.

1987-1991: Concord Academy Early Music Consort. Instructors: Nancy Nichols and Leisle Kulbach.

1980-1990: Private instruction in recorder and flute.


Performance Experience

December 2002: Appeared in The Christmas Revels in Chicago (Appalachian music and dance).

Spring 2001: Directed and appeared in performance of Renaissance dance at International House, University of Chicago.

December 2001: Appeared in The Christmas Revels in Chicago (Celtic music and dance).

December 2000: Performed in Renaissance dance demonstration at the Chicago Cultural Center's winter festival.

1989-1991: Performed with the Concord Academy Dance Company, directed by Amy Spencer and Richard Colton.

1983: Children's chorus, The Christmas Revels, Cambridge (Russian and Eastern European music and dance).

Teaching Experience

2004: Renaissance dance workshop and ball at Whitewater Early Music Festival, WI.

2003: Lead Renaissance ball at Whitewater Early Music Festival, WI.

2000-2002: Lead Renaissance dance classes at the University of Chicago.

Dance Education

2003: Renaissance dance workshop, Boston Early Music Festival.

2002-present: Attend contra dance gatherings frequently.

1992-2002: Renaissance dance practices and balls, Society for Creative Anachronism.

1987-1991: Ballet, jazz, and modern dance technique classes, Concord Academy. Instructors: Bill Whitener, Amy Spencer, Richard Colton.

1979-1985: Ballet classes.

Last updated May 21, 2005.